BTV begins airing drama serial ‘Jora Shalik’ - BANGLANEWSUS.COM
  • নিউইয়র্ক, সকাল ৭:৩২, ১৪ই ফেব্রুয়ারি, ২০২৫ খ্রিস্টাব্দ


BTV begins airing drama serial ‘Jora Shalik’

প্রকাশিত জানুয়ারি ১৯, ২০২৫
BTV begins airing drama serial ‘Jora Shalik’

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Bangladesh Television began airing a new drama serial titled ‘Jora Shalik’ on Sunday.

Written by Monir Zaman and produced by Afroza Sultana, ‘Jora Shalik’ will be aired every week on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday at 9:05pm, said a press release.

The story of the serial revolves around two youths. The boy has no fixed abode, while the girl lives in her brother’s house. One night, when she returns home very late, her sister-in-law does not allow her to enter the house, and she gets angry and leaves, and the story moves forward.

Shatabdi Wadud, Nazneen Chumki, Tahmina Mou, Sushama Sarker, Sabbir Ahmed, Alankar Chowdhury, Shahed Shahriar, Amin Azad, Ahsan Kabir, Binoy Bhadra and Amira Mani, among others, have portrayed different roles in the serial.

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